Sediment and top soil layers formed parallel to the surface over millennia are now removed. Focusing on the modern study of geomorphology (an observation of natural land formations), and harnessing the identity and perceived power of the yellow river and its shifting locations we drew inspiration of the architecture by its resulting impact of erosion on the landscape. A narrative unfolds demanding movement and tension and the museum’s architecture is pinpointed. Millennia has passed since the Yellow river shifted course passing through the site between dynasties of the Han and the Qing leaving the land in its current state as a now protected wetland. The museum will be fundamental to the character and vibrancy of the community one we must run in parallel with the architectural ambition of the scheme. However frequent flooding over the last millennia has illustrated its destructive capacity and volatile character, this can be observed through satellite imagery which alludes to the rivers ever changing, shifting location depositing huge volumes of sediment and debris in the process in and around the Yinchuan area.

Its location close to the yellow river which has been coined ‘the cradle of Chinese civilization’ by previous generations has helped protect and provide for early settlers.

The MOCA Yinchuan museum will be the first project developed within this new arts centre, its function will be to knit subsequent communities together enhancing the wellbeing of future local social infrastructure. Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) by waa, we architech anonymous in YinChuan, China